Columbus State Community College recently held the 2020 Chapter MATHCOUNTS contest on Saturday, February 8th. The mission of MATHCOUNTS is to build skills, promote strategic problem solving, and provides an opportunity to bring junior high students together to prompt an exchange of mathematical ideas through competition. This year, the Franklin County Chapter competition saw 300 students, the largest in the state, and one of the largest in the country.
Representing Westfall Middle School were team members Allie Copeland, Tristan Sprague, Bailey Burke, and Ethan Medford. Competing as individuals were: Adrian Moehl, Jaiden Dean, and Sean Williams with Cindi Post coaching the team. In the team competition, Westfall Middle School ranked 32nd place. In the individual contest, Bailey Burke had a school best-ever finish in the Franklin County Competition, placing 81st place. Also placed were: Ethan Medford, 160th place; Adrian Moehl, 195th; Allie Copeland, 207th place; Tristan Sprague, 224th place; Jaiden Dean, 243rd place; and Sean Williams, 264th place. Congratulations, WMS MATHCOUNTS team!