If you or someone you know is struggling with the loss of a loved one, Pickaway Family & Children First Council, Integrated Services for Behavioral Health, and Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Centers now offer grief groups for youth and adults free of charge for Pickaway County residents.
When you lose someone you love, it’s normal to feel grief. Everyone handles grief in their own way. For some, sadness and pain come a year or more after the event. Others continue grieving indefinitely. Grief counseling can help you manage your grief by teaching you ways to express emotions without letting them overcome you. Individual and group therapy with others who have lost loved ones can help you understand that, with time, you will feel better again.
Family and Children First Council has grief counseling groups for both youth and adults who may be struggling with the absence of a family member. If you feel this program may be beneficial to you or someone you know, please complete the following questionnaire to get started.
Youth Grief Group Questionnaire
Adult Grief Group Questionnaire
For more information or answers to questions you may have, please contact
Integrated Services Behavioral Health
1154 N. Court Street
Circleville, OH 43113
(740) 474-7529 ext. 1416