Westfall MS athletics this week.
4 months ago, Brian Wolfe
MS Athletics this week
Westfall HS athletics this week.
4 months ago, Brian Wolfe
HS Athletics This Week
Stadium and track closure for the upcoming week.
4 months ago, Brian Wolfe
Stadium and Track Closure
Start time update for tonight's football game.
4 months ago, Brian Wolfe
FB @ Cville
Community Hours at the MAC for the week of September 2:
4 months ago, Westfall Local Schools
Community Hours at the MAC
Westfall Middle School Athletics for the week of 9/3
4 months ago, Brian Wolfe
Westfall Athletics for the week of 9/3
4 months ago, Brian Wolfe
REMINDER: In observance of Labor Day, there will be no school on Monday, September 2, 2024. Classes will resume on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
4 months ago, Westfall Local Schools
Labor Day
Ready to crush your fitness goals this fall? Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up, Raise the Bar fitness classes are the perfect way to get stronger, feel amazing and have fun! Check out a class at the MAC and make this season your healthiest, happiest one yet!
4 months ago, Westfall Local Schools
Community Fitness Class Schedule
In observance of Labor Day, there will be no school on Monday, September 2, 2024. Classes will resume on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
4 months ago, Westfall Local Schools
Labor Day
We invite the community to join Westfall FFA at the annual Farm to Plate Dinner on Thursday, September 5, from 5:30-8:00 PM, with dinner served at 6:00 PM. This annual event, held at the Pickaway County Fairgrounds, is a celebration of local agriculture that welcomes everyone-farmers, food enthusiasts, and supporters of local agriculture. It's a gathering where we all come together to enjoy a farm-fresh meal served by members of local FFA chapters. To purchase tickets to this event, please visit https://www.YourPCCF.org.
4 months ago, Westfall Local Schools
Farm to Plate PCCF Agriculture Fund Thursday September 5 Located at the Pickaway County Fairgrounds Purchase Tickets at YourPCCF.org.
Important Deadline: If you opted into Chromebook Damage/Loss coverage through your student's FinalForms, it must be paid in full by September 11, 2024, to be in effect for any damages that occur prior to September 11. Insurance may be purchased after this date; however, damages will only be covered from the date of purchase forward. Please complete your payment by logging into https://www.myschoolbucks.com/. Chromebook Damage/Loss Protection can be found by navigating to "School Store"> "Browse All Items"> "Chromebook Damage/Loss Protection Program. The standard payment for coverage is $25, or $10 for students on the free or reduced lunch program.
4 months ago, Westfall Local Schools
Laptop with cracked screen text reads Chromebook Damage Loss Protection Program Payment Due September 11
Westfall MS Athletics- Week of 8/26
4 months ago, Brian Wolfe
MS Athletics this week
Westfall HS Athletic Events - Week of 8/26
4 months ago, Brian Wolfe
HS Athletics This Week
Community Hours at the MAC for the week of August 26:
4 months ago, Westfall Local Schools
Community Hours at the MAC
Westfall Local School District has openings for a Middle School Intervention Specialist and an Elementary School Educational Aide/Paraprofessional. Visit our Employment page at https://www.westfall.k12.oh.us/ to view job openings and print an application.
4 months ago, Westfall Local Schools
Job Posting
Westfall High School Athletics for the week of 8/19
4 months ago, Brian Wolfe
Westfall Middle School Athletic Events for the week of 8/19
4 months ago, Brian Wolfe
Community Hours at the MAC for the week of August 19:
4 months ago, Westfall Local Schools
Community Hours at the MAC
REMINDER: Parents/Guardians of every student enrolled at Westfall Local Schools must complete Final Forms online registration. The forms can be found on our website or by clicking https://westfall-oh.finalforms.com/.
4 months ago, Westfall Local Schools